Thursday, February 21, 2013

hi, i'm c... and i'm in a rut

The weather is cold. The weather is rainy. I take public transportation to work and I hate standing outside being cold. All of these things bring me to this point: looking back on my outfit photos from the past week or more (and what looking down at what I'm wearing today) I've realized something. I'm wearing a LOT of black. It's getting a little ridiculous. As I write this, I look down and I'm wearing black pumps, black skirt, black shirt and a cream blazer. What?! I need the weather to cheer up so I can even imagine wearing something bright.

Without further ado, I present: "no, I'm not going to a funeral, I'm just sad it's so cold":

I'll try harder next time, I promise. See, there is even a purple tie-dye scarf in there!

I know, I know. I even had a "modern red" (read: orange) blazer on this morning until I threw it on my bed in a fit of rage. Even when I try to plan outfits in advance I just end up wearing something else because it doesn't look the way I imagined it in my head.

Anyone else got the cold weather blues/blacks?


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