Monday, January 21, 2013

The beginning

Apparently there is such a thing as National Best Friend's Day.  If I were to force you to guess which day of the year the nation has decided to honor their BFFs I'm willing to bet many of you would blindly guess it's today, January 21st, seeing as I made it the blog's lede. You would be wrong.  Today is National Hugging Day--a holiday recognized by the Hugging Committee of the City of London* and the United States Copyright Office.  Today is also the 2013 observation day of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, even though his actual birthday was a week ago, but I digress.

National Best Friend's Day doesn't take place until June 8th. Well that is utter crap.  I love my best friend every day of the damn year and despite the fact that she chose to leave me forever and set up a life in DC I want to see her all the time so I can talk about stupid stuff and show her my new shoes and discuss the importance of mint nail polish. Sadly, all of my efforts of sabotage and brainwashing in an attempt to force her to move back home to the lovely state of New Jersey failed and I have spent the past seven years coping with the fact that she is never coming back (visits aside).  I have never been content with seeing her once every other month and thanks to the Internet, I don't have to anymore.

Youmeus, aside from sounding like the Grecian goddess of multiple personality disorder, is one of the myriad ways C and I would sign off our notes in high school.  I always had trouble with the title "Best Friend" and C's friendship always felt more intimate than something as generic as that anyway.  For the longest time we called each other sisters, which was a by-product of half our high school confusing us for sisters, but then I blinked and picked up two step-sisters and a half-sister so that wouldn't do anymore.  "Sister" wasn't our own the way Youmeus was.  I don't know which one of us came up with it, but I'm willing to be it was C.  Or me.  Whatever.  No one cares.  I'm just writing this so we can have a first post already and move on to the good stuff. 

So there you have it, the somewhat nonsensical account of why we named our blog Youmeus.  You might be asking yourself why you didn't just type in to get here since that's the title of our blog.  Us too.  Let's ask this co-dependent person. As for the good stuff I mentioned in the previous paragraph?  You can expect C and I to post our outfits, a lot of pictures and links to stuff we love and tips from our respective professions (I'm a teen librarian and C looks at more resumes each day than I could imagine possible).  We'll probably add more as we go, but that's enough to get us started :)


*Contrary to their stoic stereotype, Londonites apparently enjoy hugging enough to create a committee just for hugs.  I wanted to bring that to your attention and make sure you walk away from this blog post knowing that above everything else.

Photo Credit : George Marks


  1. mister youmeus does have one really angsty blog post. So angsty I think it belongs on LJ.


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