Stuff K Loves
First, I want to begin with something I don't like. I don't like when I have to spend an entire hour tracking down the original sources of the images I love because people tumbled it or pinned it without regard to the original content creator. As a librarian this is particularly frustrating, since a large chunk of my job is tracking information down and helping people cite their sources correctly. Tumblr has ruined the credibility of the internet, in my opinion, because people reblog without a thought to who created the image they are seeing. The first picture I'm showing you isn't my first, third or even seventh choice to show you, but it wins as a result of having the content creator's info connecting with the picture. Internet, don't make me give you the stink eye again. Credit your sources.LITdecor makes beautiful Moroccan inspired mason jar lanterns that are to die for! I originally wanted to share my inspiration for a little Moroccan nook we are working on in my house, but 'twas not to be. I think I am going to have to get something from this etsy shop to tie the area together.
These chevron stairs took some sleuthing to get their original link, but once I found it I made sure I edited my pin to match. I love that there is a contrast between the white stairs and the statement chevron stairs. In my search I found a few people who put the chevron pattern on every stair and it was a bit much. This pops just enough without being overwhelming. Love!
Stuff C Loves
This little number is actually something I already own from Pier1. I’m not great at decorating, but I do tend to go to a lot of concerts, camping, etc, and this gives me a great opportunity to change things out on a regular
basis. I have it in white, but the black would be nice if you had darker
furniture. I like things to be simple and straightforward- my roommate
literally had to hang everything in our apartment because I physically couldn't figure out what height to hang things at (I’m short, apparently hanging things
at my height makes it look like the inhabitants are vertically challenged). She says without things on the walls that we look like serial killers. Solution: make her do it. This
is above my computer and it’s lovely and perfect. I wish all of life could be
this easy.
I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for obnoxiously expensive things
I can’t afford. Especially if they’re cheesy and have polka dots. Or pretty
patterns. Or are an elephant (I just love elephants!). ENTER: Kate Spade Home! Everyone bask in the awesome
and then sigh and eat some Haagen Dazs with me and watch some reruns of LOST
(because I’m poor and all seasons are on Amazon Prime- SCORE!).
My job is to talk to people all day every day. Talk talk
talk. My ideal non-work day would be curled up in a ball, reading and napping
and watching a move in the background that I’m actually not paying attention to
(probably Stepbrothers). Like K, I have found the internet is a terrible place
and no one gets credit for anything they've done. I’m sure you've seen a ton of
these pins on pinterest, but none of them have real sources, and I just don’t
think tumblr is a real source. This nook gives you the general idea, but by no
means is my favorite “nook” style. I’d prefer neutrals, and probably not crazy
pink pillows. In a weird "I'm from New Jersey" way I will almost admit I like the animal print pillows. The builder is actually local to DC, which is fantastic, if I ever decide I'm going to start pooping money instead of eating Ramen. I got thoroughly depressed looking through the gallery and realizing the only real estate I can afford is a cardboard box.
K Bonus: I refuse to post the image, since no amount of searching located the originator, but here is a link to something I NEED in my house yesterday--a pug puppy in a mini Eames chair. Shut. Up.
Photo credit: LITDecor, Simple Dwellings, Lance Jordan, Pier 1 Imports, Kate Spade, Bowa Builders
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