Friday, February 1, 2013

Almost Birthday: C's Outfit Formula

Oh hello, friends. Before we get into what I've been wearing and how much I hate taking pictures of myself, I'd like to introduce you to the beautiful bathroom in my office. Please enjoy the view of the tampon dispenser in the background. I know, it's awesome.

I work in a very casual office. I understand some of you are looking at this and thinking... you do what for a living? Look, accounting wears velour matching tracksuits- this is fancy. Let it go.

On to the outfits.

I have an obsession with J.crew. It happens. After reading fashion blogs for a while, I've realized I'm not the only one.

ONE. Sweater: Talbots Clearance Outlet, Necklace & Jeans: J.Crew retail, Button down: J.Crew factory, Shoes: ZiGiny via

TWO. Sweater: J.Crew factory, Jeans: J.Crew retail, Boots: Cole Haan via Rue La La, Scarf: H&M, Sock: Target

THREE: Shirt: H&M, Scarf: Gap Men's, Cords: H&M, Booties: Nine West factory,

Interchange sweaters, jeans and a long necklace or scarf, and this is pretty much what I'm wearing every single day.

Do you have a formula you can use to get dressed in your sleep? I guess the "must wear 3 pieces at all times" mantra from working at J.Crew has stuck with me over the years.

TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY so I need to go shopping to find something fancy schmancy to wear to dinner tomorrow night with the boyf. I'm thinking of going to Zara on my lunch- any other suggestions for cheap/cute/possibly warm birthday dresses? Does anyone else buy a dress for their birthday? No? Okay.


  1. Love that white sweater look! So cute. But then again, these are basically all my daily wardrobe formula too - layered sweater, statement necklace or scarf, pop of pattern - so of course I like them.

    p.s. last year I implemented a birthday dress purchasing policy, and I think it was an excellent idea. But mine's a bit easier as it's in June...


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