I’m not that great at writing. I’m not that great at being
creative. I am, however, really exceptional at missing my best friend. You know
that type of friend where you could not talk for a month, but then have a phone
call that makes your phone die it lasts so long? A friend, that no matter what,
understands your heart of hearts and you simply don’t have to explain why that
biddy deserved that slew of fantastical and inventive cuss words? That.
Exactly that.
So, why a blog? Why not a weekly scheduled phone call, or a
handwritten note? Because after reading fashion/lifestyle blogs for about a
year now, my best friend, my youmeus, has somehow convinced me I can do it too.
There is nothing more intimidating than something new- so why not have your
sister and confidant by your side?
Stay tuned for what will most likely be some serious missteps,
which will lead to hilarity. Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Using Pixlr, from top left: C Morgan, G
Consalvo, G Consalvo
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