Monday, February 11, 2013

What C is reading: Business & Pleasure

In the wide, wide world of the interwebs (www for short), there are so many things to read. A lot of the blogs I read are for work- interviewing tactics, effective hiring and all that fun mumbo jumbo that no one really thinks about but then yells and complains that I didn't get back to them in 2.2 seconds about the job they didn't even apply for yet (chances are this complainer is probably related to someone, too). So for as much as I like to read sassy HR ladies, I also like to read blogs about pretty clothes and yummy food. Because let's face it: the internet isn't always for business: sometimes it's for pleasure.

And now I am pleased to present what (blogs) I'm reading: Business & Pleasure.

Business (read as: bid-ness)

This is the queen-bee of sassy HR ladies. Makes me believe maybe one day I can be successful enough to make money telling people what they're doing is stupid and counterproductive and making hr ladies everywhere look bad. Plus, she really likes her cats and I just find that to be perfect. She also used to have a blog called Punk Rock HR. And come on, what is closer to my heart than that?
Alison Green responds to your HR questions (apparently if you don't ask, she'll tell you anyways). I like a woman who can tell you like it is and isn't afraid to have the tough conversations. If there is one thing I've learned in the world of HR, it's that most managers would rather brush tough conversations under the rug for a decade and then they wonder why no one is billing hours and the team spends more time painting their nails at work than actually doing work. Surprise!
This is the more serious of the blogs I read that are work related. As you can tell, I have a thing for sassy ladies who talk about human resources. Jessica also tweets and does all sorts of crazy internet things

Pleasure (read as: people that own as much j.crew as I do)
I just started reading her blog recently and I'm totally hooked. She recently visited my hood and made me realize that I need to venture out more than my little baby Glover Park/Georgetown hood. Also makes me realize that people really enjoy DC and I need to be thankful for the amazing things that I get to see every. single. day. She's also adorable. I mean come on
I haven't quite figured out when she sleeps, but I love how she mixes fitness, food and her adorable baby girl.    While the boyf is into his super crazy workouts (Spartacus? Talk about making me run the other way. I couldn't walk for 2 weeks.), her workouts are achievable, fun and don't make me totally bored. Of course, I tend to always look ridiculous when working out anyways. She also makes delicious food and archives it so when I'm starving and running low on creativity (read as: always).
I understand the obvious: I am not engaged. But this blog is absolutely awesome. It's like Dear Abby for brides on crack, and you get the most fantastically cynical and oftentimes obvious answer. Please pardon me while I channel my inner gospel choir: PREACH.

What are you reading? Do you read for bid-ness... or for pleasure?


  1. You are too sweet! And I'm totally jealous of where you live. (Though I guess it is easy to get wrapped up in life and forget to do the fun things in your city no matter where you live - which reminds me I should get out in my own city this weekend!)

    Looking forward to checking out these other links too - I just love the internet. So much fun stuff.


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