Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like... March?

I'm generally confused, but today is a snow day. March 6th. I thought winter happened in December, but apparently we are still playing the snow game. I, for one, am not amused. Xoxo, C...
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Stuff We Love Sunday: Home Sweet Home!

In honor of C schlepping up to Jersey this weekend, we decided to share some of our favorite places around our home state.  If you're from Jersey and you haven't been, check them out! K's Favorite Spots:  Rutgers/Douglass College While I will most likely never live there ever (ever ever ever) again, New Brunswick will always feel like home to me. Highland Lakes My family has had a house in this small lakeside town since before I was born.  I love spending time with my loved ones, but the setting is so breath-taking it's hard not to be distracted by nature's bounty. Fort Nonsense Morristown is a charmingly...
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Thursday, February 21, 2013

hi, i'm c... and i'm in a rut

The weather is cold. The weather is rainy. I take public transportation to work and I hate standing outside being cold. All of these things bring me to this point: looking back on my outfit photos from the past week or more (and what looking down at what I'm wearing today) I've realized something. I'm wearing a LOT of black. It's getting a little ridiculous. As I write this, I look down and I'm wearing black pumps, black skirt, black shirt and a cream blazer. What?! I need the weather to cheer up so I can even imagine wearing something...
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Monday, February 18, 2013

Stuff We Love Sunday: Home Office Edition

Lately I've been unhappy with my craft room/home office.  I can't find anything and have more boxes that are supposed to help me organize than I have the ability to store properly without looking like a disheveled box lady.  C is quite the organizer (I often make fun of her for making lists of the lists she needs to make), so it seemed like my organizational issues would be right up her alley.  Here are some of our favorite things we found online for a dream office.   K's Office Inspiration Photos...
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Monday, February 11, 2013

What C is reading: Business & Pleasure

In the wide, wide world of the interwebs (www for short), there are so many things to read. A lot of the blogs I read are for work- interviewing tactics, effective hiring and all that fun mumbo jumbo that no one really thinks about but then yells and complains that I didn't get back to them in 2.2 seconds about the job they didn't even apply for yet (chances are this complainer is probably related to someone, too). So for as much as I like to read sassy HR ladies, I also like to read blogs about pretty clothes and yummy food. Because let's face it: the internet isn't always for business: sometimes it's for pleasure. And...
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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stuff We Love Sunday: Cupcakes!

In honor of C's birthday treat yo self weekend, we are going to share six cupcake recipes we have pinned and really want to make!  Birthday celebrations are not complete without ice cream cake! Thanks for the idea, Kraft!   Totally digging the recent salted caramel trend. (via Tidy Mom) A recipe I pinned was taken down, but no worries...I browsed through the entire stock of remaining cupcake recipes and came back from Annie's Eats with two replacement recipes! First, the White Chocolate Mocha Cupcakes that look unbelievably...
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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happy birthday, C!

Enjoy your treat yo self weekend! -xoxo, ...
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Friday, February 1, 2013

Almost Birthday: C's Outfit Formula

Oh hello, friends. Before we get into what I've been wearing and how much I hate taking pictures of myself, I'd like to introduce you to the beautiful bathroom in my office. Please enjoy the view of the tampon dispenser in the background. I know, it's awesome. I work in a very casual office. I understand some of you are looking at this and thinking... you do what for a living? Look, accounting wears velour matching tracksuits- this is fancy. Let it go. On to the outfits. I have an obsession with J.crew. It happens. After reading...
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mini Update, Lots of Love

I love giraffe statues.  I love dressing like a flapper.  Here I am dressing like a flapper while standing next to a giraffe statue at a fancy restaurant the boyf took me to where we shared a lovely meal.  Clearly a happy moment that needed to be shared. ...
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Stuff We Love Sunday: Around the House

A popular thing the kids do on the Interwebs these days is to post things they love.  For some reason it happens on Sunday.  I think it is the alliteration of "stuff" and "Sunday" that makes this a thing.  I like ending my week (or beginning, depending on which calendar you look at) with people, places, food and stuff I love so it seems as good a time as any to have a regular post.  I, K, officially decree that C and I will post stuff we love on Sundays.  Let the populace rejoice. Stuff K Loves First, I want...
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby’s first blog post

I’m not that great at writing. I’m not that great at being creative. I am, however, really exceptional at missing my best friend. You know that type of friend where you could not talk for a month, but then have a phone call that makes your phone die it lasts so long? A friend, that no matter what, understands your heart of hearts and you simply don’t have to explain why that biddy deserved that slew of fantastical and inventive cuss words? That. Exactly that. So, why a blog? Why not a weekly scheduled phone call, or a handwritten...
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Monday, January 21, 2013

The beginning

Apparently there is such a thing as National Best Friend's Day.  If I were to force you to guess which day of the year the nation has decided to honor their BFFs I'm willing to bet many of you would blindly guess it's today, January 21st, seeing as I made it the blog's lede. You would be wrong.  Today is National Hugging Day--a holiday recognized by the Hugging Committee of the City of London* and the United States Copyright Office.  Today is also the 2013 observation day of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, even though...
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